I had this slightly crazy DIY idea a few months ago when we moved from our apartment to our house. These ideas come to me out of the blue and pretty frequently but most of the time nothing comes of them. Well, this weekend we actually were able to follow through and see this crazy idea of mine come to life!

Ok…see that coffee table? It used to be our dining room table. I bought it a few years back when we moved into our apartment and loved it! It was perfect for our space and fit four chairs around it comfortably (all we needed). When we were in the process of building our new home we realized we would definitely need to update our kitchen table since we would have a full dining room and no longer just a kitchenette.

I loved this table and just couldn’t part with it. It is solid and has a lot of charm but I just had no room for it as it was. I thought maybe, juuuussttt maybe I could cut the legs of the table a few inches and we could make it into a coffee table! I am pretty certain Eli thought that I had really lost my marbles at this point but I was a bit determined to at least try.

He did what any good husband would do and cut those legs down and it fits in our space like a gem. Sometimes my crazy ideas pay off 🙂 I ended up painting it with Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in the color Linen because the wood tone of the original table was a little too dark for the room. I sanded it down using my Dewalt 5 inch orbital sander (is it weird to have a favorite power tool?!) and viola! Here she is in all her short-leg glory. Thank you for stopping by and reading up on this out-of-the-box DIY of mine. What do you guys think?!
sarah jane

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