Recently, I’ve been a painting-fool and giving lots of the furniture in our home mini makeovers. A little bit of paint can go such a long way and totally transform a piece from “blah” to beautiful.

I typically gravitate towards milk paint when I’m painting a wooden piece of furniture and I’ve learned over the years that it is so important to seal your piece at the end. Unfortunately, I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way by seeing pieces get discolored over time. When this happens, I slap on some more paint and make sure I seal the piece so that I have no worries moving forward. I’ve tried a few sealers over the past few months and by far my favorite is Minwax Polycrylic!

Sometimes I can find this at my local Home Depot but the majority of the time, I just purchase it on Amazon. Amen for two day shipping, am I right!? I love how Amazon provides lots a size options so that you can get just the right amount that you need. I apply it with any old brush I have lying around and always always do two coats.

This sealer comes in a few different finishes but I tend to buy the “clear satin” option. It makes wiping off the furniture easier than a matte! I highly recommend this for a piece that you will be setting glasses or dishwater on. A wet cloth and soap clean up mostly anything that gets left behind on a piece sealed with the polycrylic.

I hope this is helpful if you’re looking to paint some furniture this summer or seal up a piece that you’ve already painted. Thanks for being here, friends!
sarah jane

Hi Sarajane
Have you used it over wax? Or do you think the wax is in place of the sealer?
Hi Leeanne!
I’ve never used it over wax so I’m not sure about that. I typically use this in place of a wax and it seems to do the job just fine! Hope this helps!
Have you used the polycrylic over any other type of chalk or milk paint? I tried using it over this folkart brand chalk paint and my paint started chipping off with every brush stroke – I was freaking out to say the least. That paint specifically says to use wax to seal – but I thought ehhh a clear topcoat should be fine (IT WAS NOT FINE LOL). Do you think that brand of milk paint would be good for kitchen chairs?
Oh no!! I typically use milk paint so I’m not sure if it’s much different from chalk paint. I think milk paint might be a little to thin to use on chairs unless you do 3 coats or so. I love Miss Mustard Seed milk paint or Old Barn Milk paint 🙂