A little truth-bomb about living in our home: We have yet to use our master bath shower. I know I know…it sounds crazy. We have yet to finish this space since our shower is still without a door/curtain but we are hoping to finish that in the coming weeks.

Since I knew this bathroom project would be in the works soon, I wanted to buy a few practical things so that the room would be fully functional. I’ve been looking all over for a unique spot to place our towels and I found a cute solution at an antique mall!

This little wooden architectural piece was hidden waaaaay in the back of a pile of other reclaimed wood. I spotted the wood tone and pretty carvings from a distance and knew that it would be worth digging to get to. Once I pulled it out, I was so excited to see that it already had antique hooks attached! Just about right away, I knew this was going to look adorable in our master bath!

I love all of the curvy detail in this piece and the fact that someone already attached the hooks made me feel like I had skipped about ten steps right away. No power tools needed!

My issue at this point? Where to hang it. I had two spots in mind and honestly couldn’t decide but after taking to Instagram, (you guys are the best!) I got some great advice and hung it in the spot you suggested.

We used four command strips on the back of this wooden piece to mount it to our wall. Have I ever mentioned how much I love those things?! I have a weird thing about putting holes into our drywall…haha!

I love that this rack matches our bathroom vanity so well and really brings some warmth to the space. I’m glad I ended up hanging the rack on the wall behind the shower because once we eventually use our shower, it will make grabbing a towel much easier!

Thank you guys, as always, for being here and seeing what projects we’re working on. I swear we have about ten going on at any given time. Ahh, the life of a creative. Happy (almost) weekend, friends!
sarah jane

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